Liturgical Ministries

Getting involved in the Liturgy is a rewarding experience, offering you a special bond between yourself, Christ, and the Parish Community. We welcome all who have a true desire, to please come forward for one of these ministries.  More than 40 people give of their time and talent for Masses each weekend here at St. Mary by the Lake!

Eucharistic Minister:

Laity are privileged to share the Body and Blood of Christ with the faithful. Any confirmed member of the community is welcome. Training is provided. Scheduled about once per month.


Proclaims the Word of God at liturgies. High school age and older are welcome. Training & resources are provided. Scheduled about once per month.

Ministers of Hospitality - Greeters:

Greets community members as they gather for worship, assists visitors, and provides information. Scheduled about once per month.

Ministers of Hospitality- Ushers:

Open to all ages, male/female, families’ welcomes/ assists parishioners to their seats and collects their gifts at Mass.

Cross Bearer:

Open to all ages, carries the processional cross at Mass.

Offertory Gift Bearer:

Individuals or families bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during the Mass.

Church Art & Environment:

 Meets and plans church decorations for Advent, Christmas, Easter, and other feasts and season events in the church calendar. Talents include creating and sewing banners, wreaths, floral arrangements, shopping for supplies, keeping plants and flowers watered, and installing and removing all decorations.


Prepare and manage the church, the sanctuary, and the altar. They serve so those participating in the Mass can fully focus on the Mass.

Contact the Parish Office, at 262-639-3616, or by email at for more information.