Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Ministries

“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did for me.”  Matt 25:40  Here at St. Mary by the Lake, the Pastoral Ministry team recognizes a direct connection between spirituality and the rest of life.  We are concerned with the care of our parishioners in spirit, mind and body.  We affirm the act of mercy dictated by Christ to care for the sick, comfort the dying and to be a beacon of encouragement, love and support to the parishioners of St. Mary by the Lake. A wonderful group of parishioners offer prayer, guidance and support to those struggling with physical and emotional needs as well as spiritual ones.  We minister to those who are in crisis, homebound, hospitalized, dying, in assisted living/nursing home care, grieving or needing support for difficult times in their life.  Please see a description of each ministry listed below.


Communion Visitation Ministry

Communion to the homebound or those in care facilities... Parishioners bring communion to members of our parish who cannot be present to worship with us in person. Volunteers visit hospitals, assisted living facilities and personal residences. If you or a loved one is in need of this ministry, whether on a short or long-term basis, or if you would like to be involved as a Homebound Communion Minister, please contact


Forming Threads of Comfort Prayer Shawl Ministry

The purpose of the shawl is to give comfort to those who are sick, to those who are struggling with grief, or to those who just need an affirmation of God's love.  The shawls are created in community, prayed over, and shared. There are offerings for both men and women as well as for children. We like to tell the recipients to wrap up in their shawls and rest in the arms of Jesus.  "Be still and know that I am God." 

If you are seeking the comfort of a prayer shawl, please contact the Parish Office.

We are always actively looking for community members to assist in this Ministry. If you feel called to join us in this ministry, please contact Heather Warner in the Parish Office.


Surviving Divorce

Individuals experiencing the challenges of marriage separation and divorce meet once a month to offer and receive support.  Currently, the group is working with the Surviving Divorce program from Ascension Press.

For more information, please contact Heather Warner in the Parish Office at