Two years of High School Christian Formation classes are required of any young person, not enrolled in a Catholic High School before they begin to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The St. Mary by the Lake Faith Formation program provides an opportunity for youth in grades 9th through 10th to grow in faith by developing a meaningful relationship with Jesus, a better understanding of our Catholic tradition and help to plant roots for the adult years. This program includes instruction, fellowship, prayer, service, and fun. The Director of Youth Ministry and Catechists use a variety of activities and media to help connect their faith to their everyday life experiences. The Youth Ministry program also provides opportunities for youth to engage in service, social and retreat opportunities throughout the year.
9th & 10th Grade:
- 9th and 10th Grade Classes will meet at St. Matthew Parish in Oak Creek on the 2nd and 4th Sundays with Mass at 10:00 am and Class from 11:00 am to noon from October 9 to April 14.
- The cost is $150 per student.
- For questions about the High School Program, please contact Karin Felske: 414-762-4200 ext. 114.
High School Faith Formation Grade 9/10 Service Requirements
In addition to service project planned and implemented by the teens as a collective in April, each student will be required to complete 10 hours of Christian Service at the parish or via parish organizations. Hours with organization outside the Catholic community will need the approval of the Director of Faith Formation.
2021-22 Faith Formation Program Catalog
2023-2024 Faith Formation Registration Form